Air Purification & Sterilization

Air Purification & Sterilization

Get Cleaner Indoor Air With Commercial Air Purification

Indoor air quality has become an increasingly important topic recently. Now more than ever, commercial property managers are looking for innovative ways to keep employees and visitors safe. The layout and design of a commercial building and its HVAC system can impact the potential airborne spread of a virus. And, when used correctly and combined with other practices recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, HVAC filters and air cleaners can help reduce airborne contaminants like viruses. While air ventilation and cleaning will not eliminate the risk of airborne virus transmission on their own, precautions can be helpful in reducing the risk of viruses, as well as other irritants like allergens. 

Install Better Commercial Air Purifiers & Air Filters in Kansas City, MO

Turn to EMI for air monitoring, air filters, air purifiers & more in west Missouri.

HVAC systems of large buildings like schools and offices usually filter air before it’s distributed throughout the building. Ensuring you have the best-quality air filters is an appropriate way to help control the air quality of your building. Edwards McDowell Inc. designs, installs and maintains innovative commercial heating and cooling systems in Kansas City, MO, and can help ensure your building has proper air flow and indoor air quality. We provide air quality solutions of all scopes and sizes for a variety of clients, including filters, air monitoring, UV lights, air ionizers, mobile sterilization tools and more.


Consult With Our Kansas City Heating & Cooling Experts

Providing proper air quality and flow throughout your heating and cooling system is just one component of our innovative commercial HVAC services. EMI is proud to provide solutions that don’t just sound great, but perform to the highest standard and adapt to your specific needs too. For an industrial heating and cooling system that uses cutting edge technology and intuitive air quality control, contact our HVAC contractors in Kansas City today.

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